Dissolvable fever blister patch from Herpatch (Remesense)

Dissolvable patch for fever blisters

Dissolvable patch against fever blisters

Herpatch technology

Dissolvable patch

Due to its composition, the fever blister patch automatically dissolves after a certain time. This patch can also be painlessly removed with water. Herpatch is the only product of its kind that provides this feature.

Active properties

The water-activated properties of Herpatch are also supported by three ingredients: beta-glucan, the sulfated polysaccharides from a red microalgae and zinc sulphate.

Their properties help to condition the skin and speed up the healing of fever blister lesions. Herpatch dissolving patches create an environment that allows the body’s own natural defence system to work more effectively, while soothing pain or that burning feeling.

  • Beta-glucan
    Beta-glucan is know to soothe, protect and hydrate the skin, which helps to improve wound healing.
  • Sulfated polysaccharides from a red microalgae
    They help to protect against sunlight exposure and also have protective, moisturizing properties for the skin matrix.
  • Zinc Sulphate
    Zinc sulphate has an astringent action, which firms, tones and strengthens the layers of the skin.

Method of action

Fever blister breaks out
A fever blister breaks out…

Apply Herpatch
When a Herpatch patch is applied, it forms a protective barrier binding the infectious secretions.

Active properties
Active properties work on the fever blister.

Fever blister vanishes
Eventually the fever blister dries out.

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