Dissolvable fever blister patch from Herpatch (Serum)

The cream that becomes an invisible patch

The cream that becomes an invisible patch

Herpatch Serum technology

The Herpatch Serum is based on the targeted liquefied film technology. Upon application, it will form a transparent thin but strong solid barrier over the affected area which allows it to create an ideal micro-environment. The ingredients will create a strong, instant protective barrier which will cover the wound, caused by the HS virus. Its benefits include: visibility of wound margins, reduction of erythema, pain control and patient comfort

The active function of the Herpatch Serum is also supported by the 3 ingredients similar to the Herpatch Remesense patches.

  • First of all, beta-glucan is known to soothe, protect and hydrate the skin, which helps to improve wound healing.
  • Secondly, the sulfated polysaccharides from a red microalgae help to protect against sunlight exposure and also have protective moisturizing properties for the skin matrix.
  • Finally, zinc sulphate has an astringent action, which firms, tones and strenghtens the layers of the skin.

Method of action

Fever blister breaks out
A fever blister breaks out…

Apply Herpatch
When Herpatch Serum is applied, it forms a protective barrier binding the infectious secretions.

Active properties
Active properties work on the fever blister.

Fever blister vanishes
Eventually the fever blister dries out.

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