Dissolvable fever blister patch from Herpatch (Serum)

The cream that becomes an invisible patch

The cream that becomes an invisible patch

How do I prevent a fever blister outbreak?

preventing fever blisters
  • Do not touch the fever blister, so as to prevent the risk of further infection to other areas and people. If you have to touch the fever blister, immediately wash your hands afterwards.
  • HSV-1 is very dangerous for new-born babies.
  • Do not share anything that could be contaminated with saliva (glass, toothbrush, towel, …).
  • Do not kiss or hug when you have a fever blister.
  • Pay attention to hygiene!

Causes of fever blisters

Fever blisters are caused by an initial infection with the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). The main triggers of a fever blister outbreak can be due to external and internal causes.

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How to treat a fever blister

Herpatch helps to treat fever blisters throughout their entire cycle. Its effect goes even so far that the application of a Herpatch can help to prevent the occurrence of fever blisters, when the first tingling is felt on the lips!

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